Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Kissee's Belly pics- about 3 months in

Kissee's goofy smile.  Oh how we love her goofy smile (even if its a flaw)

OH and then there are these :)  These are mine.  I'm about 9 weeks and there's just one in there.  I'll probably start a new tab of pregnancy posts so those interested in the farm don't get bored of hearing about human baby stuff


  1. Thank you! It's looking like it's going to be a year for babies around here :)

  2. Wonderful, congratulations! Hope you're having a good pregnancy.

  3. so far so good. I go back to the doc on Monday for another u/s so I'll have a good idea if things are still looking good.

  4. Huge congrats!!!! :) Love Kissee's smile too!
