Sunday, February 6, 2011

The inspection was good!

The inspection showed some minor things and one kinda major things needed on the house.  As far as we are concerned its still a go :)


  1. What did they find wrong with it? And are the current owners willing to fix what's wrong?

  2. The sewage pipe that runs under the house needs replaced (its about a $400 repair). There are a few other things like some moisture/drainage/gutter issues around one end of the house but the problems are pretty minimal. Some of it probably needs to wait until we thaw out which will be too late for us to close in March. I don't think we are even going to ask them to fix it, and if we did ask I'm pretty sure they would turn us down. Our original offer requested they fix some things and we were flat turned down.

  3. the only thing we are waiting on now is water testing which we don't expect much to come of that.

  4. That's crazy. $400 is kind of a major repair though!!
